Today I open my arms to all the wonderful opportunities a fantastic change always brings.
As of today, January 1st, 2011, I and my partner have ended a licensing agreement with a company that made our Mission Falls yarns available to yarn shops for the past five years.
In a nut shell...
Many of you may not be aware that I was creative director of Mission Falls for 13 years and chief designer for 15. Even less of you may know that almost half a lifetime ago I co-founded and created Mission Falls yarns. All of the building and creating and learning.... what fun that was! What a gift!!
Being removed from the day to day of the business operations at Mission Falls for the past five years and not contributing creatively for three years has made the good-bye to this "baby" fairly easy.
I have authored books, contributed designs, overseen projects, made all sorts of "stuff" and traveled the world independent of Mission Falls and I am loving it.
I am sad, however, that Mission Falls yarns and patterns will do longer be available to you, the knitter, crocheter and maker.
Every time I read or hear mention of Mission Falls yarns it is almost always focused on the colours that defined them. I ADORE colour and it has always warmed me to know that my love of colour brought joy to others. Thank you!
Well, I am off to create more lovely colours.... fresh and fabulous colours... what a gift!

OH NO!!!! I'm going to miss Mission Falls!!!!!!! I just finished two sweaters out of 1824 Cotton for my friends new baby. You are right, it was the colors that drew me to the yarn on the shelf. All the best to you! I love Gifted and hope you begin blogging as often as you once did. Happy New Year!
I will also miss Mission Falls. I loved the yarn, the colors, and the pattern books. I am just finishing a baby sweater of 1824 wool out of the Wee Knits pattern book. It was my first Intarsia product. Love it. Mission Falls will be missed. Good luck to you in future endeavors. Your work is amazing.
so sad to see Mission Falls go. 1824 Wool remains one of my favorite yarns and the pattern books from when you were involved remain some of my favorites in my collection.
wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!
So sad about Mission Falls. You seem happy and inspired. I look forward to lots of good things for and from you!
Oh, Mags, I am devastated--1824, both cotton and wool, are among my all-time favorite yarns. I have plenty of stash, but that's not the point. Is there any chance you would find someone else to produce the yarn? No one else has colors like yours, no one else has colors that work together like yours do. I am very sad. Please let me know if there is any chance that the yarn might see yet another reincarnation, or if this is really the end. When you mention new colors, are you thinking of doing a different yarn? Please give us some hope!
All the best,
carol dot perecman at att dot net
Thank you ALL for the "condolences"... ;-)
I LOVE change and am always looking at what's ahead.
And, Carol? No worries! As one loved yarn falls another will appear... somehow... somewhere...
Thanks for pouring your talent and energy into Mission Falls for 19 years. Do you realize the contribution you have made to our lives? What a difference it can make at the end of a rough day to lose yourself in beautiful colors and textures. I am making a log cabin baby blanket with 1824 Wool. My earnest hope is that it will eventually go to college with the baby!
Mission Falls will always hold a fond place in my knitter's heart. I made my first socks using the wool and many baby items using the cottons. Best wishes!
Wow. I have that much more appreciation for the three large Mission Falls projects I have sitting ready to begin in my stash. I will miss this yarn and classic patterns.
My Mission Falls knitted hat is my most favouritest. Looking forward to your colourful new wool adventures.
Hi Mags, we're going to miss you. :( Your designs and colours will be so missed.
Wishing you wonderful adventures ahead that include travel, colour and of course knitting!
Keep us posted.
I thank you for years of drooling over your patterns, loving the style, crazy happy with the colors. My mother's favorite scarf was a Mission Falls pattern ... it was a gift of love to her. Thanks for being a part of my life (I just got some yarn to finally make my Mistral Facinator.) Lord be with you on your next venture. Know that you have enriched so many of our lives. Now it's your turn. Go out and Play!!!! Lorelei Azarian
I'm sad to hear this. I made all my children sweaters out of 1824 cotton--all of them were/are too warm-blooded for full wool sweaters, and the cotton held up beautifully, plus it's washable. It was truly a gift yarn for children, and I have a fondness for it because the first garment I ever knit was out of your yarn. My oldest, then 2, picked out the colors himself. I will miss your cotton most of all.
I am so sorry to hear this. Mission Falls is one of my favourite yarn lines. The beautiful colours, the quality and the ease of use are some of the things that drew me to it.
I'll be looking forward to what you do next.
Like everyone else here, I'm truly bemonaing the loss of Mission Falls yarn.
I only found it last year! And now it's gone?
I was wondering if anyone knows a worsted washable wool yarn that is comparable?? I'd truly like to know. And thank you.
Carol L.
Mags, I must thank you. Your designs, your colors are what ignited my passion for knitting back in 2001.
Please, bring us more when the time is right!
Dear Anonymous knitter from Germany, I have deleted your post because my blog is not an appropriate nor an effective way to find the yarn that you need to finish your project.
Fret not...Ravelry is the bestest thing EVER for problems like this! ravelry.com
All the best as you embrace the new adventures waiting for you. As for me, I returned to knitting after a hiatus of over 20yrs and was thrilled to find the Mission Falls 1824 cotton---I'm allergic to wool so finding a pure cotton yarn in fabulous colors was a delight to my soul. Mission Falls will be deeply missed; as deep as the colors you brought to the yarn.
OH NO! I was looking forward to carrying Mission Falls! It was the first name I put on my list for my new yarn shop (dream!). I was hoping to cut you off at the Discontinued Pass and get a bunch before you stopped. I knew about this from my LYS, but she didn't know WHEN. I just decided to open an LYS (Nov 11/11) and went straight to your site and found that message. :( I had to inform my soon-to-be customers who asked me to carry your yarns becaue they didn't know. They are so sad as am I but change is a part of life and without change, there is no inspiration in life to continue WITH life, so I congratulate you from one every evolving woman to another.
This is a terrible news. Mission falls has been my favorite yarn and I just learned it was discontinued at the moment I was going to buy it to knit a baby blanket. I am soo sad.
Mags - could you please contact me at ragrugs@hotmail.com
Thank you,
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