
U and V are for...

... an unbelievable vacation!
Oaxaca, Mexico...
for Dias de los Muertos.

With candlelit altars...

colourful carvings...
happy chocolate cake with hot chocolate chasers...

at a favourite cafe...

a wonderful face from the past...
a wonderful face for the future...natural dyed wools...

perfect Margaritas....

tasty Chapulines.... fried grasshoppers with chili, salt and lime. Really... tasty!!

and everything scented with Marigolds.

I will never enjoy this citrusy scent again without thinking of Oaxaca..... ahhhhhhhhhhh.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog and post about Oaxaca. I was there in the summer and it was was absolutely beautiful, especially the woodcarvers and rug weavers in the countryside. It would be great if some future patterns featured the colors and textures of Mexico. thanks for the pictures to remind me of my time there! Maria