Inside one finds this...

And after a whole bunch of reading and re-reading one does this...

And with that, a new book begins!!
This, fellow knitters, is the start of my latest book with Interweave Press. As usual, I can share precious little about the project at this time. What I can divulge is all the projects will be of my design... there will be additions of very special non-knit thingies... publication date is--- fingers-crossed-- late Spring 2010.
This, fellow knitters, is the start of my latest book with Interweave Press. As usual, I can share precious little about the project at this time. What I can divulge is all the projects will be of my design... there will be additions of very special non-knit thingies... publication date is--- fingers-crossed-- late Spring 2010.
Now, I am back to my drawing board and yarn basket to have great fun.... with spurts of mild dread. Don't worry, I'll share as much as I can... when I can!!
Congratulations! 2010? It will be painful waiting to see what great ideas you come up with!! I hope for lots of color!
What wonderful news! I will try and hold on until Spring 2010! Let the creative juices flow!
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