Anyone who follows my blog will know that rarely do I start a project just for me... rarer still do I finish anything larger than a scarf or hat.
When you do knittin' for a living the Shoemaker's Children Syndrome kicks in and if what's on the sticks does not make dollars and sense.... it just ain't there.
A few months back I was smitten with a "less is more" knit I stumbled upon in Ravelry.
It must have been the mental wonkies of a lazy New Year's Day-- after an over indulgent Eve-- that had me rooting about my stash to find yarn for the Garter Yoke Cardigan found in the latest issue of Knit.1.

The yarn unearthed was "vintage"... Classic Elite Yarns Evergreen Cotton and Wool--- at the same time Rowan Yarns had their own label on the same stuff. It must have been at least 15 years ago that I added 7 skeins of this yarn to my stash.

EVERGREEN is spun of recycled fibers from spinning mills, garment factories, and other industrial uses of textiles in England. Water and energy are conserved because pre-exsiting colored fibers are used to create the subtle palette eliminating additional dyeing processes. Chemical dyestuff production is lessened. Landfill space reduced. People are employed to sort the fibers. Do your part for the environment by knitting with EVERGREEN from Classic Elite.
45% cotton- 45% wool- 10% unidentified fibers
Label printed on recycled paper.
The following is the anatomy of my "me knit" as seen on my mags-kandis Ravelry Garter Yoke Cardigan project page:

This lovely yarn has been looking for a project for longer than I care to admit… I think this one just might be a ticket…. wish me luck 8-)
OMG— still knitting and liking this. Just motoring along… have begun the waist shaping… slipped it on for fit and it’s looking mighty fine. Pictures coming soon!
Finally… pictures! 2 or so more inches and we are done except for the sleeves. Just started on my third skein of yarn. Looks like 4 skeins will be enough. Leaves me extra yarn for a future wrap… sniff… sniff… love the feel and easy knitting of this discontinued yarn… sniff… sniff.
Really enjoying the quick, mindlessness and ultimate wearability of this project…. KUDOS MELISSA!!!08/01/09
On to sleeve number one! Hate double points!!! Found my shortest circ and am about to pick up and go…. hmmmm…. I have some nutmeg hued mohair that would knit close enough to gauge….. hmmmmmmm…
Second sleeve 1/3 done. Dug about my button box and have a few options. Fingers-crossed for a finished project by the 12th!MODIFICATIONS:
- Love buttons but thought there were too many for my taste. Making holes every 20 rows— 7 buttons.
- Personal taste wanted a more relaxed finish to the bottom edging— because the yarn has little spring I decided to work 1 row of Rev Stst before casting off in knit. I’m happy.
- Making sleeves longer– to wrist– and ended the same way I ended the body.
I can't wait to see it finished. It's too bad the yarn is discontinued, it sounds like wonderful stuff.
There's a wonderful spinner on etsy who uses waste from mills to spin her gorgeous patchwork yarns. I've made some great striped mittens, and the yarn did all the work!
What a great project! I love the modifications you are planning. Look forward to seeing the finished project. What a great way to start off the year! Woof to Skeeter!
The cardigan is lovely and the yarn looks great. The pattern looks very much like the famours Coblestone sweather, just turned upside down for knitting and opened for cardigan.Seems like a garment that will be used a lot.
Hi Mags:
Wow - what a blast from the past that was. I loved knitting with that yarn. I remember designing that label and being so excited about the product. I was way ahead of my time, I must say. All this stuff that I see now, I was doing back then. But it was too early and never really recognized. Glad to see it is coming around and now being accepted.
Lovely sweater too!
Stay warm - it is below zero here and snow coming tomorrow.
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