... blog post celebration!
I thought it would never be achieved! I am more of a maker and talker than a writer, so these posts have been a
very good exercise for me.
I'll use this auspicious occasion to share something sad and something happy.
The something sad?
Today I said good bye to our Christmas tree...

I wait until the absolute last possible moment to remove the decorations and wind up the lights for another year. This year's tree-- the most fragrant of Nova Scotia Balsam Fir-- was set up on December 9th. She glowed in the sitting area off of the kitchen until this afternoon.
Skeeter, tree and me went for our traditional "long walk" into the woods...

The something happy?
I know at least a handful of you have been visiting my blog on a regular basis... so, to celebrate my 100th post I wish to gift
I have a token of appreciation for one lucky person who visits...
eight beautiful buttons.

They are hand crafted in Nepal out of
non-endangered water buffalo bone and have been dipped in henna for an antiqued cast. These will look fantastic on all sorts of projects.

Just leave a comment sharing-- in 10 words or less-- why you love buttons!!
On February 1st a lucky winner will be announced and the buttons will be sent on their way!
Make certain that I can contact you by email. Include a link to your blog or site or leave you email address with your comment!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
Here's to the next 100...
The giveaway has now ended and we have a winner.
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments!!!